PR转场过渡包1500+ Transitions for Premiere Pro 42342968
PR转场过渡包1500+ Transitions for Premiere Pro 42342968
This template was designed by the Premiere Pro program and does not need any external add-ons and contains all the resources required to run it on Premiere Pro, a template 1500+ Transitions will help you in facilitating your work and shortening the time and also more professional for your videos, and inside this template you will find a Tutorial video explaining how to edit a project on Premiere Pro.
By purchasing this pack you get 1500+ Handy Transitions with ATOMX Extension that you can use for your projects!
Main Features
1500+ Transitions in 10 main categories
ATOMX Extension
Live Previews
Online Video Tutorial
Sound FX included
Effects Control
Works with Any Resolution and Aspect Ratio up to 4K
Works with any Frame Rate