Atom Packs Collection 2020 | 6 Gb
Atom Packs Collection 2020 | 6 Gb
Include Packs:
Atom Videohive 4300+ Trendy Motion Graphics Package v4 24321544
Atom Videohive Technology Constructor 25146667:
Atom Videohive Instagram Stories v6.3 21895564: item/instagram-stories-designs-and-transitions-pack/21895564
Atom Videohive Big Pack of Typography 23584216:
== Install Pack ==
1. Run "Setup Atom 2.1.6" in Folder Atom Crack
2. Open AE, Window\Extensions\Atom
3. Drag and Drop every .Atom file of 4 projects.
4. If it show Purchase Code Box, type anything and wait (wait 1 minutes if your directory is long, wait a little bit for open any pack, waiting depends of your long directory if you put atom pack in desktop, it will install fast.
== Upgrade Atom 3.0 ==
1. Copy all Files and Folders in Folder "AtomX 3.0.0"
2. go to C:\Program Files\ Common Files \ Adobe \ AEP \ Extensions \ Atom \ and replace all. (or you can click Extensions Shortcut to go fast)