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Holdframe + School of Motion - Crafting Visual Essays with Joe Donaldson


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Holdframe + School of Motion - Crafting Visual Essays with Joe DonaldsonPM4CG天下

In this Workshop, award-winning director and founder of Holdframe, Joe Donaldson, talks about the series he created for The New Yorker. We discuss everything from the project’s conceptual development and process, all the way down to the production techniques used in each film. This Workshop offers a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse at what went into creating each of these films on seminal figures: Leonard Cohen, Janelle Monáe, and David Attenborough. Focusing specifically on what decisions were made, why, and what it was like producing 3, nearly 3-minute films, in just 15-weeks.PM4CG天下


Please note: To fully explore the project files, you'll need the plugin Trapcode Particular. This is a particle generator effect and is part of the Trapcode Suite from Red Giant. You can download the demo to view the particle layers, and until you purchase it you will see a watermark over your renders.PM4CG天下



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