Cinema 4D and Redshift: 2D vector to 3D render
2021-11-08 13:35:19
Cinema 4D and Redshift: 2D vector to 3D render
This class covers such topic as transferring vectors to 3d scene.
You`ll get to know what data can be easily migrated from Adobe Illustrator file, what plugin can help you with this task (if you use Cinema 4D R25, no plugins are required). How to create plastic-looking shader and set up lighting.
This tutorial doesn`t show Adobe Illustration workflow of how to draw vectors.
Used Software: Cinema 4D (R25) and Redshift for rendering.
持续时间1h 4m项目文件包括MP4
您将了解哪些数据可以轻松地从Adobe Illustrator文件迁移,哪些插件可以帮助您完成此任务(如果您使用Cinema 4D R25,则不需要任何插件)。如何创建塑料材质球和设置照明。
使用的软件:Cinema 4D(R25)和用于渲染的红移。