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琳达aicc2018新功能介绍 Lynda - Illustrator CC 2018 New Features




Illustrator is undergoing another transformation as part of Creative Cloud 2018. In this course, discover the new features offered in Illustrator CC 2018, and how they may be used in your illustration and design workflows. Instructor Tony Harmer walks through these features, updating the course every time Adobe releases changes. He covers working with the new Properties panel, text and artboards enhancements, new Asset Export options, the amazing new Puppet Warp tool, and more.

Topics include:

Using the new Properties panel
Text enhancements
Exploring the new live character options
Using the Touch Type tool with variable fonts
Using stylistic sets
Exporting multiple assets and single assets
Working with the new Puppet Warp tool
Aligning and transforming multiple artboards
Working with the New Document dialog features6GxCG天下


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